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Strategic Innovation

We believe that innovation is critical to every aspect of business to fuel growth and create meaningful differentiation.

Business Model

LWSG has a robust framework to help create business scale, scope and positioning in the value-chain.

Our business model development considers all players in an ecosystem, including customers, competitors, suppliers, partners and employees. Combining user centricity and purposeful design, we challenge the strategic assumptions of our clients, re-frame the role of the company within the value chain and re-define how to addresses unmet or unarticulated human needs.

This can involve an application of technology or service design that will displace a current market leader, create an entirely new market, or even add another bottom line, like social innovation.

Organizational Transformation

Conventional visioning and mission writing exercises often fall short of driving transformation, largely because they typically lead to detached cynicism rather than engaged motivation.

When executives, senior managers and front line employees move beyond empty, slogan-driven communications, shared destiny and a clear personal commitment to organizational purpose are activated in the daily decisions of managers and leadership, embedding it in the company culture which is ultimately reflected in customer experience.

Cultural change cannot be examined just from the macro level. New behavioral requirements must be identified based on functional roles and responsibilities. It is critical to involve the business unit or functional leadership team in defining the new behaviors so that they reflect not only the brand’s ideals but also the realities and constraints of the operating environment.

Innovation Process & Training

Innovation is on the executive radar, but few organizations know how to optimize a process that is relatively new in large companies.

While most innovations have historically come out of the product development kitchen, a much broader design-centric, multidisciplinary approach offers the power to develop new categories sooner and see blind spots that might be missed.

Our experience studying innovation activities in over 100 companies drives how we help our clients design and implement key innovation tools, processes and systems, including: flow and activity ownership, staffing and skills, enabling infrastructure and resources, team interaction, insight generation, co-creation, strategic foresight, sense-making, opportunity mapping, prototyping, prioritization, and branding and marketing.

We work with client teams to determine the relevancy, value and usage of specific methods to design a comprehensive and customized tool-kit that drives success.

Innovation Consulting

Where do consulting firms go when they need to innovate? Not other consulting firms, that’s for sure.

Instead of paying for access to case studies on how leading organizations innovate, they seek out actual innovators: people who understand how organizations function, who have proven track records, and who already think and work outside of that box consultants are always talking about.

At LWSG, we bring together the empathy of an insights firm, the analytical competency of a strategic consultancy and the creativity of a media agency.

Our playful, potent and multidisciplinary team of economists, anthropologists, sociologists, futurists, brand strategists, human factors specialists, experience architects and industrial, interface, interactive, graphic and service designers are at the frontline of our goal to become the world’s most recognized agency network.

Brand-Led Innovation

Brand-led transformation can reenergize a company, inspire employees, anchor a growth strategy or create sustainable competitive differentiation.

To be truly successful, it must be designed with discipline, championed by senior leadership, manifested through holistic experience, relevant to the competitive environment and grounded in the culture of the organization. At LWSG, we engage in brand-led transformation by helping our clients understand and implement the stories, sentiments and social systems that can bring executives and employees together as a community of purpose.

After deploying a team of sociologists, anthropologists and strategists to examine the culture of our clients, we deconstruct current brands, co-create new features and futures, align employees to visions and values, spark cross-functional behavioral changes, and connect brand ideals to business needs. Our process embeds brand into corporate culture and strategy to inspire greater purpose, meaning and collaboration across every level of an organization.

Social Innovation

For LWSG, Social Innovation means using social impact as a business strategy to create real tangible value for the organization through tackling social problems with ties to the business model.

Corporations are not philanthropic entities, so we believe Social Innovation is a necessary evolution of corporate social responsibility, extending business ethics beyond a department and into business operations.

Our Social Innovation practice focuses on developing and implementing innovations and strategies that impact purpose and profit.